First visit to the Romanian demo site – Brăila region
In Romania, the demonstration sites are situated in the South-East of the country, specifically in Brăila County. These sites consist of fields owned by the Agricultural Research and Development Station Brăila (https://www.scdabraila.ro), which has extensive experience in irrigation and drainage activities. The fields are situated in the Brăila Plain and the Danube River Floodplain, specifically the Embanked Great Island of the Danube River in Brăila. The Romanian demonstrator will concentrate on summer crops such as corn, sunflower, and soybean, with a growing season between April and September.

Media: SCDA Braila – IMB field (upper left), lateral irrigation system (upper and lower right), pressure pumping station (lower left)
The reason for choosing these demonstration sites was due to previous collaborations with SCDA Braila. They had expressed an interest in exploring innovative spatial technologies for precision farming, specifically for crop management and irrigation scheduling. Based on this interest, the selection of the demonstration sites was made.

from SCDA Braila are interested to test the improved weather forecasts released
based on assimilation of Galileo and drone data, as well as, the derived
products such as irrigation advisory for irrigation scheduling.
Author: Zenaida Chițu
Key words: GNSS, drone, IOT sensors,
weather forecast, irrigation advisory, SCDA Braila